Developing Social & Personal Skills
For a Holistic Education
At Gwiggles, we place great emphasis on developing our little learner's social and personal skills. We know that a strong foundation in these areas will help them excel in all areas of their lives including the academic aspect of their early childhood education. As opportunities present themselves and during group conversations, we help children practice communication, emotional expression, self advocacy, conflict resolution and emotional regulation.
The class also practices getting dressed themselves, independently completing bathroom tasks, cleaning up after meals, and other classroom chores such as loading their blankets and outdoor gear into the washing machine.

Outdoor Play
Let's Move!
We take our kiddos outside for more than an hour each day. If it's an especially nice day we might go out twice! We do not go to the playground if it's over crowded. Instead, we take our group to a nearby field where they have lots of space to play and explore. In order to help our Gwigglers stay active on days that we can't go outside due to the weather we like to have dance parties on our front porch when there is a break in the rain, or have a yoga session inside.

Isn't Learning Fun!
Gwiggles' curriculum is rooted in the Reggio Emilia teaching philosophy and is both well structured and flexible. There is space in the curriculum's structure for adult led learning activities that introduce the kids to subjects such as Spanish, math, phonics, patterns, and writing. There is also space in the curriculum's structure to allow for the incorporation of the group's current interests. Topics such as our solar system, how the human body works, or dinosaur studies are worked into our weekly curriculum in response to the group's developing curiosities. In addition to various learning activities, the class will sometimes work together towards the completion of collaborative group projects. A new or updated curriculum is sent out to parents every Monday.

Additional Services
Gwiggles offers additional services such as quarterly parent teacher check-ins, potty training assistance, fresh home cooked organic meals, and daily photos of your little one at school. We also hold a school event once each season where the families of the students who are enrolled, and even some families who have been part of Gwiggles in the past, get together and go somewhere fun!

School Calendar
Our school is closed on the following days:
Labor Day: First Monday of September
Fall Break: Last week of November
Winter Break: December 24th- January 1st
President’s Day: February 17th (In service day)
Spring Break: Last week of March
Memorial Day: Last Monday of May
Juneteenth: June 19th (In service day)
Summer Break: First week of July